Best Practice for File Backup and Disk Cleanup

You may have heard that keeping your workspace clear of clutter and focusing on one task makes a person more productive. That’s the same for computers and technology. If your systems carry too much digital clutter, they won’t run as efficiently, which is one of the primary reasons that following best practices for file backup and disk cleanup is so critical.
Current best practices for backing up files within your system may not be what you expect. The first best practice is frequency; unfortunately, it’s no longer enough to backup files overnight. You should be backing up files multiple times a day to ensure safety. Luckily, there are intelligent backup solutions, such as block-level incremental backups (BLI), which only copy files that have changed, leaving the other untouched files as they are. Especially for larger organizations with a massive number of files, BLI can make a significant difference.
Another crucial backup practice is following the 3-2-1 rule. This rule states that organizations should have copies of their data in three locations, two of which can be local but should be on different media or kept in separate forms. The third copy must be kept off-site. Cloud storage is a prevalent solution for file backups, but it can be expensive, especially if you rent cloud space. Consult with data professionals and your IT team to determine the most cost-effective solutions for cloud storage.
One common issue with file backup and data recovery is problems with endpoints, like computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. If you store a file on only that endpoint and something happens to it, then that file is lost. Over-reliance on SaaS applications, such as Google G-Suite and Office 365, is also dangerous, as these programs are less reliable than many people realize. Be sure to train all staff on proper file backup practices and create checks to ensure proper implementation and utilization of these processes.
Finally, although you’d only need to use it in rare circumstances, it’s critical to have a clear and comprehensive disaster recovery plan. When files stored in one place rely on a program run from another, which in turn relies upon a system run from somewhere else, the process can become very complex and convoluted.
A nearly full or completely full hard drive can cause severe issues with productivity. Tasks that would ordinarily take seconds instead take minutes, and employees cannot complete work promptly. Thankfully, regular disk cleanup can eliminate this issue. The first step in successful disk cleanup is understanding what’s taking up space on your hard drive. Unused programs and files often run in the background, making needed tasks a slog. Closing or deleting them can make a huge difference.
Disk cleanup typically involves several processes and steps, including uninstalling old or unneeded programs, deleting duplicate files, and disabling hibernation. Hibernation is the setting that puts your computer to sleep when not in use. It’s convenient, but it requires a massive amount of unnecessary storage every time it happens.
In addition to the steps above, good disk cleanup also involves efficiently managing cloud-based folders, like those on a company server or a service like OneDrive or Dropbox. Compression of large files or folders for more efficient storage is also an essential component of disk cleanup. It is wise to store large files in a cloud and delete them from the hard drive.
If there’s anywhere that you don’t want to cut corners or make mistakes, it’s with file backup and disk cleanup. Both are essential for smooth operations and dealing with crises. Let TAG Solutions consult with your organization and put proven best practices in place.